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Undertaking Sample - For Visitor Visa Application


This document, known as the Undertaking, serves as a valuable inclusion in your application for a visitor visa to Canada.


It is designed to enhance and fortify your case, providing a compelling argument to the immigration office. By incorporating this document into your application, you can effectively showcase your unequivocal intention to depart Canada upon the conclusion of your authorized stay. Moreover, it attests to your commitment to comply with all Canadian laws and conditions during your visit.


To further strengthen the authenticity of this document, you have the option to notarize it after customizing the details to align with your case. Notarization serves to legalize the document, adding an extra layer of credibility.

However, it is crucial to adhere to the laws of your country when pursuing notarization.

Ensure that you follow the proper procedures and regulations in place for the notarization process.


Feel free to customize this document as needed and consider it as an additional supporting component in your visitor visa application.


NOTE: Templates need to be modified as per your case.

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